Personal Portfolio Website

Built using HTML and CSS and uploaded on the web using neocities.
I gradually practised more in-depth by learning through Udemy courses, Youtube and the internet.
I designed my website to have a clean layout.
Using Krita, I drew and animated a day and night scene on my home page.
This helped me learn basic animation using CSS.

Python Game
Text-based Python Survival Game. 566 lines.
Stranded and lost, you are tasked to find your way back home.
Using your own skill and luck to survive: escape the jaws of jungle beasts, hunt for food, collect resources and many more
Assassins are hot on your heels: escape or stand your ground.
The game is coded to have many different scenarios based on randomisation and story-like details for higher game experience and engagement.

Dialogflow Chatbot

Using Dialogflow, I created a chatbot as an agent to present my portfolio.
I had exposure to using kommunicate to deploy my bot, and heroku and IFTTT for data to be transferred to google sheets.
It was tough when it uses other software to connect the chatbot to google sheets.
The chatbot can be used to control smart items in the house.
